Monday, July 9, 2012

My Ode to Naps

  Most of you know that I have a strong, deep love for naps.  I have been an excellent napper for as long as I can remember.  That is until about 10 months ago, when miss Ellie joined our lives.  Actually, the day we brought her home was the last time I can remember being able to take a nice, long, comfortable nap. 
We were both exhausted from our long stay and we both needed a nap.  So that's just what we did.  Those were the days when she slept more than she was awake.  Up until that day, I was an incredible napper.  I could sleep anywhere, anytime, through anything.  My napping ability, is just one of the many things that has changed since I became a mom.  Until today! Today, I napped! Today's nap took me back to my glory days of napping.  Maybe it was the rain, maybe it was the margarita I treated myself to at lunch.  Whatever it was, it worked.  I fell asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow and stayed there for 2 whole hours.  You read it right, I got to nap for two glorious, uninterrupted hours!!! You may think this is silly, but to me, this is most definitely a day worth mentioning and remembering. 
  (Special thanks goes out to Matt.  Without you, this nap could have never happened.  Love you)


  1. You inspired me to take a good nap yesterday while JAM was napping. Man, it felt so good! Love your blog!

  2. Good for you! Love that you call him JAM by the way. Those are the initials that we have always usued for my brother, sister and I :)
